Somethings should be easy, and they are…

Got it.  You have to set the BLASTDB variable for this to work and place the taxonomy files in this same location.  I just did it in my .bash_profile:

export BLASTDB

The original motivation for this was to obtain taxonomy data for blast search results.  Sometime in the last few months this feature actually slipped into the BLAST+ package.  I can’t actually get the feature to work, but perhaps you can!  It requires the installation of two special taxonomy files found at  Typically cryptic instructions can be found on the command line blast manual page at, along with the necessary flags to get the taxonomy to appear (ha!) in table format output.  I suspect that my inability to get this to work stems from my dislike for mucking with the blast profile file.  Instead of setting a default database location I use the complete path in my calls.  Regardless of where I locate the taxonomy database blast can’t seem to find it 🙁


A couple of months ago I wrote a post on the difficulty of parsing the gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz file that maps sequence gi numbers to their NCBI taxonomy number (taxid).  With a taxid it is possible to obtain the actual taxonomy of (some) sequences in Genbank.  I proposed a couple of elaborate solutions, some of which were improved upon in the comments section by other contributors.  One particularly good suggestion was to use primary keys in a SQL database for fast look-ups.

In my latest analysis I have ~ 50,000 gi numbers to map to taxids and had to revisit this issue again.  After some tinkering I realized I’d missed a very obvious and reasonably efficient way to extract the relevant lines from the gi_taxid_nucl/prot.dmp.gz file.  If you have only a few gi numbers to map stick with the SQL or grep solutions.  If you have many give this method a try.  Making use of Python’s with statement it is possible to very quickly search each line of the .dmp.gz against a known collection of gi numbers contained in a set.  I only recently discovered Python sets, and they have already saved me numerous times.  Searching against items in a set is orders of magnitude faster than searching against items in a list.

# assuming that gis is a set of gi numbers...
import gzip
gi_taxid_output = open('small_gi_taxid.txt', 'w')
with'gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz', 'r') as dmp:
    found = 0
    for line in dmp:
        line_split = line.split('\t')
        print line_split[0], found
        if str(line_split[0]) in gis:
            found = found + 1
            print >> gi_taxid_output, line

Using this method a search for 50,000 gi numbers takes ~ 1 hour for gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz and about 30 minutes for gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz.  The grep method, even utilizing the gnu parallel command for an 8 fold speed increase (on an 8 core machine), would have taken at least overnight and produced a messy gi_taxid file with many erroneous hits.

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